the next Generation in blockchain
Market: BTC: 0.00000001 | USD: 0.00000000 | EUR: 0.00000000
swap_horiz Transaction #7422536238998744908
Sender S-55XZ-S96V-F59N-DAHZ3
Recipient S-YKLM-SLWE-USR5-42HLM ( BURST and BHD are still good friends and will build POC ecology together. ) 592.52000000 Burst
BTC: 0.00000593
USD: 0.00000000
EUR: 0.00000000
Recipient S-ZTHC-57D3-4CD7-D8CM9 ( ) 602.61337950 Burst
BTC: 0.00000603
USD: 0.00000000
EUR: 0.00000000
Fee 0.10000000 Burst
BTC: 0.00000000
USD: 0.00000000
EUR: 0.00000000
Block 3617993583795472931 / 602279
Type Multi-Out payment
Message -
MessageIsText -
Version.Message -
Confirmations 785650
Timestamp 2019-03-24 05:00:58
Signature 6be1aee285621a3acf4f61b96fb5c96e2b5e44a0d3ce334cd7d9061f86ce910d78168fd95ef1ff610703f855fac404c30ca4a924517e71f932c8e8361ec0e040
Signature Hash c5ed910d479c1b56968b08b1b0992c07a73fa042baf769213d0667a0be05dbc6
Full Hash 4ceffb1162250267bd842fb457770089c64c662c7dd06b26f87e17c3b3d9ba06