the next Generation in blockchain
Market: BTC: 0.00000001 | USD: 0.00000000 | EUR: 0.00000000
swap_horiz Transaction #3239471600004490461
Recipient S-DPP7-UJ99-4226-4HV92
Amount 0 Burst
BTC: 0.00000000
USD: 0.00000000
EUR: 0.00000000
Fee 1.00000000 Burst
BTC: 0.00000001
USD: 0.00000000
EUR: 0.00000000
Block 2720340060608908744 / 62188
Type Arbitrary message
Message Hi, there are many pools available. Our pool is up since September. We tested for a long time with our partners. We are ready now ... Please give our pool a try:
MessageIsText 1
Version.Message 1
Confirmations 1296867
Timestamp 2015-02-01 12:32:43
Signature 39cced7ced533bfdbf75c69461bb16b7c8246834c997afb40f857c70feac1e06920467163a3ce419627cf3aff591742bfd21e60cc24bcc936850a9e5ffcef2ea
Signature Hash 91df94d9dd768253fc2f0fe6a5932fa987c8373378f2b4b0fa7fe3002c25c8e8
Full Hash dde43bba41eaf42c690bcc6f7aeb790c7f049b5010fd9dd796b4fab124386470