swap_horiz Transaction #3037246239560010889
Sender | S-FUDU-CHJ9-ZYGV-5GNJ9 |
Recipient | S-JTCU-9BUC-5FKD-AUH8V |
Amount |
0 Burst
BTC: 0.00000000
USD: 0.00000000 EUR: 0.00000000 |
Fee |
1.00000000 Burst
BTC: 0.00000000
USD: 0.00000000 EUR: 0.00000000 |
Block | 18398525147052717271 / 71133 |
Type | Arbitrary message |
Message | BURST has Crowdfund ATs ----------------------- Please support and pledge for the project: OnlineCourseBurstmining Free Online Course teaching all about BURSTs and Mining. |
MessageIsText | 1 |
Version.Message | 1 |
Confirmations | 1315625 |
Timestamp | 2015-02-26 12:55:38 |
Signature | 5ccbe18c5dee5630f4218780636810071f7793688ed1a782616045d1e877c60554f3cb287b3e452542caa4fafca95382e6b7f623c1d5ddf546c90df5bc88e763 |
Signature Hash | 30903fcabc6899f7b8ef466494f96fd419ef6590405d814132f1bb90cbf5dd59 |
Full Hash | 898c5de45c77262aa825814711adf5a368ef18ab3f31ffcd12d1208b6426b00c |