the next Generation in blockchain
Market: BTC: 0.00000001 | USD: 0.00077082 | EUR: 0.00073120
swap_horiz Transaction #1582703587354833301
Recipient S-JM3M-MHWM-UVQ6-DSN3Q
Amount 1.00000000 Burst
BTC: 0.00000001
USD: 0.00077082
EUR: 0.00073120
Fee 0.04000000 Burst
BTC: 0.00000000
USD: 0.00003083
EUR: 0.00002925
Block 12331904868646763511 / 885926
Type Ordinary payment
Message You have won block height 885925 provably fair raffle! ---------- Index : 1 TX# : 4126320167976098478 Sender: BURST-JM3M-MHWM-UVQ6-DSN3Q Amount: 100000000 Ticket from: 1 Ticket to: 100000000 ---------- Index : 2 TX# : 7987048662203978128 Sender: BURST-N5P2-3ETU-7LXK-DTU3X Amount: 1470000 Ticket from: 100000001 Ticket to: 101470000 ---------- TX Total : 12113368830180076606 Total Amount : 101470000 TX Total mod Total amount + 1 is the winning ticket number Winning ticket: 91636607 Winning index is 1
MessageIsText 1
Version.Message 1
Confirmations 469657
Timestamp 2021-05-23 16:58:44
Signature aaebf6f5c10b5936ae2c1a7556d9b15b169cab1c4d41856c4a1dbc1182caad0fbd40b40a2085b31ac847be20eb3507990484870909f1282778bd409e2ac2d0b5
Signature Hash 7f93279d69f8d5315c85714a96e1a529817664cd7b45e09f8b7cff5fbf0cd93a
Full Hash 957105f586e4f61521fabbab2ee48ffde956446d18ad41959cfac7ae1cc35794